Produced by Dirty Gentlemen™
Directed and edited by Andy Old
Music by Andy Old

From the #RIDEDIRTY two-film series of Toronto-based clothing brand, Dirty Gentlemen™.

To #RIDEDIRTY is to embrace the daily hustle that is city life. Work hard. Keep moving.

Video 1 - The Passenger:

Starring Natalie Yeung & Ebrahim Oliazadeh

The Passenger is a lowly blue collared worker of our society. The Passenger works hard and gets her hands dirty. She is the one that goes unnoticed. The Passenger is the one that truly practices gentlemanly conduct. The Passenger is one of calm demeanour, strong perseverance, intellectual thinking, and polite yet meaningful speak. The Passenger is worthy of high respect.

Video 2 - The Traveler:

Starring Karl Hakkarainen

The Traveler is a lowly blue collared worker of our society. The Traveler works hard and gets his hands dirty. He is the one that goes unnoticed. The Traveler is the one that truly practices gentlemanly conduct. The Traveler is one of calm demeanor, strong perseverance, intellectual thinking, and polite yet meaningful speak. The Traveler is worthy of high respect.


#WORKISHOW - Derrick Sepnio